How to juggle the many demands of being alive as a freelance writer
One of our listeners asked: Do we struggle with managing our lives with our freelance writing businesses? How are we making sure that we get enough sleep and exercise (and find the time for it?)
Well, it’s a work in progress for both of us. We’re far from perfect, but we have been freelancing for a long time and have some ideas. In this episode, Emma confesses just how long she went without renewing her car’s registration.
Figuring out areas of improvement for work/life balance
Before you start working on optimizing your work/life balance, you should be aware of where you’re currently doing well and falling short. The Wheel of Life is an exercise you can go through to get a better read on where you’re currently at.
How it works: The wheel has sections for things like your career path, finances, health, etc. You have to rate your satisfaction for each item from one to 10, where 10 is very satisfied, and one is not satisfied at all.
Another way of getting a good read on work/life balance is through journaling. Instead of using a wheel, you simply note your activities and feelings. Ask yourself: What are you doing when you feel good versus feeling bad. Journaling can help you recognize patterns in your behavior (good or bad.) Knowing these trends, you can create better boundaries.
Other areas to focus on as a freelance writer
Get proper sleep and exercise
Getting proper sleep and exercise can make a huge difference in your lifestyle. You need to ensure you’re not sacrificing your sleep to get ahead. Doing that affects your health and your productivity levels. For exercise, start with 20 minutes a day and note the difference in your energy levels throughout the day. You can also set up simple rules like going for a quick walk before sitting at your work desk every day or using your lunch break to get outside.
Find your productive times
The average person can work productively for just a few hours a day, so knowing when you're the most productive throughout the day is crucial. Instead of choosing between your life and work, find your productive hours and block them off as time for deep work.
Put everything on your calendar
Instead of saying, “I’ll go to the gym more” fix a slot on your calendar every other day for going to the gym. Similarly, block your productive hours, meetings, time for coffee with friends, and even your Netflix and chill time. Another thing you can add to your calendar is all the bills and renewals, so you don’t forget them.
Don’t be tied to your desk
When your work for the day is done, don’t stay stuck on your desk refreshing email. Thinking someone might need something isn’t a good reason to stay in your chair. Suppose you have the flexibility to get up and go for a walk; do that! You've got free 30 minutes.
Outsource parts of your work
Letting go of control and delegating some of the more boring, tedious work items helps free you up for high-level projects. You can focus more on your happiness and the work that requires your expertise. Outsourcing can look like hiring a virtual assistant or getting help with bookkeeping. Even in your personal life, get help such as having childcare for your kids.
Focus on one habit
Instead of trying to overhaul your life instantly, focus on building one small habit. Other good habits follow, similar to a domino effect.
For example: Getting up a little earlier means you get time to prepare a healthy breakfast. You’re more energetic during work because you had an actual breakfast. Looking at someone’s social media and deciding you’ll flip your entire lifestyle is not worth it. Instead, making small and incremental changes is a better recipe for success.
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