Proposals: What to include, strategies for closing more deals, and more
A proposal is a summary of a project plan, something that you and your client can agree upon. Seems simple, right? Proposals can be super helpful for making a sale, but they can also waste a lot of time. In this episode, we go over how to use proposals, available software options, and clever strategies for closing more deals.
How to grow and nurture a massive following on Twitter as a freelance writer
Kaleigh has been tweeting for more than a decade. She’s winning on Twitter with 47,000+ followers. In this episode, she shares how she thinks about Twitter, how she grew her following, and what she thinks other freelance writers can do to get value out of the platform.
How to Handle Childcare as a Freelance Writer
This is an unusual episode. In this one, we're going to talk about is there a reality where you can balance both freelancing and parenting (and not feel like you're failing at one or the other.) Our hope is that this episode is the honest chat you need to hear with insights you can leverage in your life as a parent and a freelance writer.
What To Do When a Freelance Writing Client Doesn’t Pay
It’s every freelance writer’s nightmare: a client who doesn’t pay! In this episode, we discuss our experiences with non-paying clients. Should you hire a lawyer, use a collections agency, send a strongly worded email, or just walk away? If you’re trying to track down payment, give this episode a listen.
How To Respond To “Can I Pick Your Brain?” Requests as a Freelance Writer
There are lots of reasons people might want to pick your brain– perhaps they want to get started as a freelance writer themselves or think you’ll have perspective on a particular industry. But if you say “yes” to every request that comes your way, you might waste a lot of time. In this episode, we go over how to respond to “pick your brain” requests. When should you say yes, when should you charge, and when should you walk away?
6 Simple Strategies To Make More Money As A Freelance Writer
Do you have to introduce a new offering, snag a brand-name client, or revamp your entire business to make more money? NOPE. In this episode, we share six simple strategies that have helped us make more money as freelancers. These are achievable strategies that can significantly increase your revenue, especially when sued together.
Preventing Scope Creep with Draining Freelance Writing Clients
Freelance writing offers the ability to craft a career and a work-life balance that’s right for you. This is why many of us decide to work for ourselves, after all. But achieving this desired balance is often easier said than done. What happens when your clients’ needs attempt to override your own? We get into the answer.
Where do meetings fit in your day as a freelance writer?
In this episode, we discuss all our feelings about client meetings, as well as where they should fit into a freelance writer’s workday.
How to use social media as a freelance writer without compromising your mental health
Especially in the world of remote working, social media has quickly become the new virtual watercooler. But how does one tread the fine line between social media’s benefits (its connections, often to people you might never otherwise encounter) with its downfalls (its impact on your everyday mental health)?
Choosing a niche: Do you have to do it as a freelance writer?
“Choose a niche” is one of the most common pieces of advice in the freelancing community. But we’ve seen people flounder when it comes to choosing niches. Why is that? Are niches really necessary?
Partner and prosper: How to work with other freelance writers
In this episode, we discuss how to partner and work with other freelance writers.
How to make time for writing side projects as a freelance writer
In this episode, we chat about different ways to actively create space for projects that inspire you and why those projects are so important. While we focus on the experience of freelance writers, this episode is really for anyone who craves creative personal expression but doesn’t know how to find the energy or make the time for it.
Imposter syndrome + how to handle it as a freelance writer
In this episode, we talk about our personal experiences of imposter syndrome as freelance writers and how we’ve learned to move through the debilitating feelings of inadequacy.
This episode is for anyone who wants to find ways to temper the pattern of constant comparison.
Finding the sweet spot: Over-delivering for clients
In this episode, we talk about some simple ways to over-deliver for your clients to foster the kind of consistency and reliability that will make them come back again and again. This episode is for freelance writers who want to know how they can go above and beyond for their clients without overextending themselves.
Subcontracting as a Freelance Writer
In this episode, we dive into subcontracting within freelance writing: why we have chosen to subcontract some of our work, the questions and concerns people have about the process, and how subcontracting has changed our businesses for the better.
How to Take Time Off as a Freelance Writer: Vacations, Extended Leave, and More
In this episode, we get into why it’s so difficult to take breaks from work as a freelancer, how to unplug successfully, and why it’s beneficial to do so.
How to build relationships as a freelance writer
Most freelance writers get business because of referrals…but how do you find you get a referral engine going? In this episode, we discuss why building relationships is so important as well as how to stand out and be memorable.
Revisions: dealing with edits and feedback
In this episode, we discuss how to manage clients so that the revision process is a piece of cake. Our secret: The work comes before we get to a first draft.
Positions of privilege and freelance writing
In this episode, we discuss how positions of privilege affect freelance writing businesses, as well as what we can all do to create a more equitable environment.
How to run an efficient freelance writing business
An efficient freelance writing business is one that runs like a machine. It’s dependent on a lot of unsexy stuff, like contracts, accounting software, and templates. In this episode, we discuss the tools and resources we use to make sure we’re not wasting time and working as efficiently as possible.